
Docker is a platform that simplifies the process of developing, shipping, and running applications by using containers. Containers are isolated environments that package software, libraries, and configuration files, allowing applications to run consistently across different environments. Docker enables the separation of applications from infrastructure, facilitating quick software delivery and efficient management.

  • Dockerfile:- A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for the Docker daemon to follow when building a container image. It serves as the build instructions for creating a Docker image, which encapsulates an application's source code, dependencies, and runtime environment into a reusable unit. When the 'docker build' command is executed, the lines in the Dockerfil are processed sequentially to assemble the image. Dokcerfiles typically start with a 'FROM' instruction, which refers to an existing image that becomes the base for the build, and then includes other instructions like 'COPY' to add files, 'RUN' to execute commands, and 'CMD' to specify default commands for the container. Dockerfiles play a crucial role in defining the initial state of container filesystems and are essential for creating portable and consistent environments for running applications across different platforms. Create files and Build Docker images.

  • DockerBuild:Docker Build is a feature of Docker Engine that allows users to create Docker images from a set of instructions defined in a text file called a Docker file. These instructions specify how to build the image, including steps like copying files, installing dependencies, and setting up the environment needed to run an application. When the 'docker build' command is executed with the appropriate, Docker reads the docker file and builds an image based on those instructions. This process enables developers to package their code and create portable images that can be deployed and run consistently across different environments.

  • Docker container is an isolated environment that contains an application along with as its dependencies, such as libraries and configuration files. It operates independently of the host operating system and files, running on the environment provided by Docker Desktop containers are self-sufficient units that include everything needed for an application to run, down to a base operating system. They allow developers to package software into standardized units for easy development, sharing, and deployment. Run Docker Container.

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