
  • Load balancing, in simple terms, is the process of spreading incoming network traffic across multiple servers to improve the performance, availability, and reliability of a service or application.

  • Load balancing is a crucial technique involving a device or software that evenly distributes incoming network traffic among a group of backend servers, also known as a server farm or server pool. Positioned as a "traffic cop" in front of servers, it directs client requests to the most suitable server. This ensures high availability and reliability by only routing requests to servers that are online. The primary goal of load balancing is to optimize network performance, reliability, and capacity. It achieves this by spreading the demand evenly across multiple servers, thus reducing latency and improving compute resource utilization. There are several load-balancing algorithms, each offering distinct benefits. The choice of a load-balancing method should be based on specific requirements. Common algorithms include round-robin and Least Connections.

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