Create an Instance using Snapshot

Navigate to the Dashboard > Server interface.

Click on the snapshots

Give the name snapshot and create the snapshot: -

To create a snapshot of a volume:

  1. Go to the Volume section on the dashboard.

  2. Click on Snapshots. Here, you will find the option to create a new snapshot.

Creating a New Volume from a Snapshot

To create a volume:

  1. Select Source: Select 'Snapshot' as the source for creating the new volume.

  2. Define Volume Size: Specify the size of the new volume. Ensure it meets your storage needs.

  3. Name Your Volume: Choose a descriptive name for your volume for easy identification.

  4. Create Volume: Click on the 'Create volume' button to proceed with the volume creation process.

After creating the snapshots, you can view the created snapshot volumes and also the status in available.

Now Create a New Cloud Server

Create a new cloud server > Select volume option > Select snapshot_volume > Hardware configuration > Networking (Public network) > SSH_KEY > Security groups (Add Security Group) > Give the name of the server.

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