Backup your WordPress Site to Neevcloud s3 storage with using Updraft plugin
Install and Configure WordPress
Follow the instructions in the link below to install and configure WordPress:
[WordPress Installation Guide]
After installing and configuring your WordPress.
Setup the Updraft Plugin
To connect install and activate the Updraft backup follow these steps.
Navigate to the WordPress dashboard, click on "Plugins," and then click on "Add New."
Search for Updraft and click "Install Now".
After installing to activate the Updraft.
Click the button and open the settings.
Connect s3 storage
Next, click on the settings and select the S3 compatible option.
Now fill in the S3/EC2 credentials for accessing the storage bucket
For access and secret keys follow this link.
S3 Location: Give the name of the bucket to create a bucket to follow below these steps.
Navigate to the Object Storage section.
Select Create Bucket and enter your desired bucket name.
Confirm to create the bucket.
S3 End point: -
Bucket access style: Default - path style
Signature version: default- SigV4
After fill all the details click on the save changes.
Now, go back to Updraft Backup/Restore and click on "Backup Now".
Check the status
The backup has been successfully created.
Last updated