Add Rules to the Security group

Before following these steps, ensure you already have a security group:

If you have not added a security group, follow this link:

There are two processes to add rules: All Protocol and Custom Protocol

Click on Networking select the security group and click on Add rule.

Adding rules for All Protocols

  • All Protocol:- This option refers to a setting that allows rules to be applied across all types of network protocols. It typically enables communication for any protocol without restriction, facilitating comprehensive access and interaction between devices and a network.

  • Custom Protocol refers to the ability to specify rules tailored to a specific network protocol. Users can define rules that apply only to particular protocols rather than all, enabling more refined control over network interactions and security. This is useful for scenarios where only certain types of communication need to be managed or restricted.

Select the protocol one by one-

Choose Direction

Choose Direction Enable both directions sequentially.

  • Ingress:- Refers to the act of entering a place or the right to enter in networking it describes the flow of incoming traffic to a system or network allowing data to enter from external sources.

  • Egress:- The opposite of ingress, egress refers to the act of exiting or leaving a place in networking, it denotes the flow of outgoing traffic from a system or network, facilitating data transmission to external destinations.

Select the Port

Here, we have several options:-> Port, Port Range, All Ports

  • Port:- A port is a software-defined number that identifies a specific process or service in networking, allowing multiple applications to communicate over the same network connection. it ranges from 0 to 65535.

  • Port Range:- This term refers to a specified range of port numbers that can be used for network communications.

  • All Ports:- This phrase encompasses all possible port numbers (0-65535) available for network communication. Each port can be assigned to different services or applications, enabling efficient data routing and management across networks.

Select All Ports

Select Remote

Choose the correct CIDR block and security group for their specific

  • CIDR:- Classless Inter-Domain Routing, is a method used for IP address allocation and routing that replaces the older classful addressing system. It allows for more efficient use of IP addresses by enabling variable-length subnet masking.

  • Security Group:- A security group is a virtual firewall that controls the incoming and outgoing traffic for instances or resources within a network

Select Remote:-> CIDR

Give the values of CIDR:

Select the Ether Type

  • IPv4:- Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the fourth iteration of the Internet Protocol, primarily used for identifying devices on a network and facilitating communication between them.

  • IPv6:- Refers to Internet Protocol version 6, the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP), designed to replace IPv4. It provides a vastly larger address space, offers improved routing and network autoconfiguration, and enhances security.

Select the Ether Type: IPV4

After selecting all sections, verify the added rule > click Add rule

Please ensure to add the rule to both ingress and egress directions, not just ingress.

Allow Egress direction:

To update the rule, change Ingress to Egress.

Now Both directions have been added.

We follow the same process as described in the above section for the custom protocol.

Adding rules for Custom Protocol/ Custom Port

Custom protocol:- This option allows users to define specific rules tailored to a particular protocol it enables the configuration of unique settings for data transmission ensuring that only designated protocols are permitted for communication enhancing security and control over network traffic .a

Select the Rule > Custom Protocol

Choose Direction > Enable both directions sequentially.

Here, we have several options: Port, Port Range, All Ports

Select the Port

Give the port number and Protocol

Select the Remote > CIDR

Give the values of CIDR:

Select the Ether Type: IPV4

Allow Egress direction:

Now again click on the Add rule:

change only Ingress to Egress ->

Verify that both ingress and egress rules have been added.

Last updated