Setup Zabbix app

Zabbix appliance setup has the following passwords and configuration changes:

Login Credentials [login: password]

System Login:

  • User: root

  • Password: zabbix

Open your browser and access the Zabbix using IP add.


Zabbix frontend Login:

  • User: Admin

  • Password: zabbix


  • root<random>

  • zabbix<random>

Note: Database passwords are randomly generated during installation. The root password is stored in the /root/.my.cnf file, so no password input is needed when using the 'root' account.

To update the database user password, make changes in the following locations:

  • MySQL;

  • /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf;

  • /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php.

Note: Separate users zabbix_srv and zabbix_web are defined for the server and the web interface, respectively.

File Locations

  • Configuration files are located in /etc/zabbix.

  • Zabbix server, proxy, and agent log files are in /var/log/zabbix.

  • Zabbix's front end is located in /usr/share/zabbix.

  • The home directory for the user zabbix is /var/lib/zabbix.

Last updated