Deploy Lamp in Kubernetes with using Helm.

To create a Helm chart for a LAMP stack, you can follow these steps:

Lamp deployment in Kubernetes with using Helm chart.


You have to set the Kubernetes cluster to follow these links.

Access the Kubernetes Master Node

To access the master node in a Kubernetes cluster, follow these LINK

Open a terminal session.

Use the SSH protocol to connect:

ssh -i access_keuser@master-node-address

Replace user with your username and master-node-address with the IP address or hostname of the master node.

Enter your password or authenticate with your SSH key when prompted.

Once connected, you can perform administrative tasks on the Kubernetes master node.

To deploy a LAMP stack on Kubernetes with efficiency, we leverage Helm charts. Helm packages applications alongside their dependencies such as containers and services into a single deployment unit. Commence by creating a new directory specifically for your Helm chart

Create a new directory for your Helm chart:

mkdir my-lamp-chart 
cd my-lamp-chart

Initialize the Helm chart:

helm create lamp-chart
cd lamp-chart && ls

Run the cd command to navigate to the lamp-chart directory.

Edit the values.yaml file:

vi values.yaml

Add image of httpd

A tag identifies a specific version of an image.

tag: latest

Service types are used to specify the type of service that should be created for a deployment, service types determine how the service is exposed and accessed within a Kubernetes cluster

type: LoadBalancer

Edit the templates directory:

cd template
vi service.yaml

The target port is a crucial element in service configuration. It ensures correct traffic routing between the service and the container. You can specify the port that the container listens on and map it to a service port. Use it carefully to maintain proper communication and functionality.

Add the target port: 80

Rum Helm Install

Now back to my-lamp-chart directory run these command

helm install my-lamp-release ./lamp-chart

Verify the installation:

kubectl get all

When you create a YAML file for a LoadBalancer, it will automatically configure a new load balancer in the NeevCloud Panel. To verify the load balancer navigate to the neevcloud dashboard and select the networking section to click the Load Balancer.

Added Pools Overview

This section provides an overview of the pools that have been added.

Open your browser and verify the service is running.


Last updated