Some Best practices for using Docker in application development include:

Avoid storing application data in the container's writable layer: -Instead, use volumes to store data efficiently and improve I/O performance.

Use CI/CD for testing and deployment: -Automate the building, tagging, testing, and deployment of docker images using CI/CD pipelines to ensure consistency and reliability in the development process.

Differentiate between development and production environments: - Use Bind mounts for development to access source code and volumes for storing data in production environments.

Keep images small: -Start with an appropriate base image, use multistage builds, reduce the number of layers, and create a shared base image to optimize image size and efficiency.

Tag images with useful information: - Tage images with version information, intended destination ( pod, test), stability, etc, to facilitate management and tracking of images.

  1. Docker file Create

  2. Docker Image build

  3. Docker Container

Last updated