How to use SFTP for Uploading & Downloading files

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an extension of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. It enables secure access, transfer, and management of files over a network. SFTP encrypts data, executes commands, and provides authentication to ensure secure file transfers. It works on port 22 and uses the client-server model. SFTP is commonly used for secure file transfers over Transport Layer Security (TLS) and in virtual private network (VPN) applications. It offers advantages such as data security, encryption, public key authentication, large file transfer support, and integration with VPNs and firewalls.

Here are some steps to upload files using SFTP:

  1. Use your SFTP client

  2. Enter the command sftp (username)@(data center)

  3. Enter your password

  4. Choose a directory

  5. Enter put (myfile)

Uploading Files

Open a terminal and connect to the SFTP server using the sftp_user's name along with the another_machine_IP. Use the following commands:

$ sftp root@your_IP_ADD

To navigate to the SFTP user's home directory.

$ sftp> put -r your_system_path another_system_path

Downloading Files

$ sftp> get another_system_path your_system_path

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